Often this sort of knowledge is widely dispersed and closely held , and most companies still have only a weak grasp of the breadth and depth of their collective intelligence 常常这类知识是广泛分散的、并(由个人)封闭拥有,多数公司目前对其集体智慧拥有的广度和深度都很弱。
Based on the difference , the paper stresses that for the closely held corporation , the above mentioned three committees must all participate in the governance of the corporation , cooperate and coordinate 而那些规模较大,股东人数较多的有限公司,尤其是改制企业,因其股东不一定参加公司经营管理,选择股东会、董事会、监事会三权分离的二元制治理模式是适应的。
According to china ' s corporate law , one sorts of corporations is the closely held corporation with small - capital size and few shareholders . in china , emerged with the reform of collective and state - owned enterprises , having more employers / holders and the scale is larger 一般指规模小,人数少的公司,但随着国有和集体企业改制的进行,出现了一大批规模较大的有限责任公司。
For the interest of the closely held corporations , a multi - system governance a positive competition system must be introduced , the interest of the small - holders must be considered and they must be allowed to suit , given the cumulative voting 结合我国现状,完善有限公司治理结构应合理设置公司机关,分配各自权力,应当充分维护少数股东利益,引进累积股票制度及股东诉讼权等合理制度。